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Register for the Floating Offshore Wind Summit

On February 22 and 23, the Departments of Energy, the Interior, Commerce, and Transportation will virtually convene offshore wind energy stakeholders to discuss the Floating Offshore Wind Shot™. It’s an ambitious initiative to cut the cost of floating offshore wind energy by more than 70 percent by 2035.

Seeking Public Comment on Proposed Rule for Incidental Take Authorization: Sunrise Wind, LLC Construction and Operation of the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm, off New York

We are seeking public comment on proposed regulations to govern the incidental harassment of marine mammals related to the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm Project offshore New York. The comment period will be open February 10 to March 13.

Newly Mapped Sea Turtle Genomes Reveal Ancient Roadmap of Survival

Using genetic samples from NOAA Fisheries’ tissue library, scientists have for the first time sequenced the complete genomes of endangered leatherback and green sea turtles.

Recreational Fishing Data Priorities for 2023

NOAA Fisheries spotlights fiscal year 2023 priorities and fiscal year 2022 achievements to support the recreational fishing data collection program. “Our partners and stakeholders play a key role in achieving programmatic milestones and identifying regionally specific data collection needs,” said Richard Cody, chief of the Office of Science and Technology’s Fisheries Statistics Division.


Meet Kevin Rademacher, Research Fishery Biologist

As part of the Faces of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center series, meet Kevin Rademacher. “My love for animals started at an early age and for the ocean even earlier,” says Rademacher.

New England/Mid-Atlantic

Photos: 36 Years of the Flatfish Biology Conference

Here is a collection of photos taken over the years at the Flatfish Biology Conference, a forum for a diverse community of scientists, researchers, and students to come together, present their findings, and share their knowledge in a supportive and inclusive environment.