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WCPFC Continues to Suspend the Requirements For Fishing Observers on Tuna Vessels Until 2023
Fishing observers will not resume full monitoring of tuna purse seiners operating in the Pacific until 2023 due to the pandemic. 

The Commission agreed to suspend the requirements for observer coverage on purse seine vessels set out in paragraphs 32 and 33 of CMM 2021-01 and CMM 2018-05 until 31 December 2022 but on 1 January 2023, this suspension must be lifted, and the obligation comes into effect. Continue reading here (Source: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission).

Ecuador Deal Reached to End Weeks of Deadly Protests and Strikes
Ecuador’s government and the country’s main Indigenous group have reached an agreement to end 18 days of often-violent strikes that had virtually paralysed the country and killed at least four people.

The deal, which includes a decrease in the price of fuel and other concessions, was signed by government minister Francisco Jimenez, Indigenous leader Leonidas Iza and the head of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Luis Cabrera, who acted as mediator.
The agreement on Thursday sets out that gasoline prices will decrease 15c to US$2.40 a gallon and diesel prices will also decline the same amount, from $1.90 a gallon to $1.75. Continue reading here(Source: The Guardian).


Century Pacific Delivers Strong 2021 Business Results
CNPF announced that it was also able to strengthen its market leadership across all segments they participated in as shelf-stable tuna (1 percentage point), corned meat (3 percentage points), and powdered milk (1 percentage point) grew by various degrees.

Their coconut and OEM tuna export businesses also flourished as both benefited from the gradual reopening of the country.
In his message, Po stated that 2021 was hard to navigate and it was not that easiest, but he was still thankful. Continue reading here (Source: The Manila Times).

NOAA Seeks to Expand Protections for Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems
Expanding protection for ocean ecosystems — now a keystone in the Biden administration’s climate change initiatives — could have big effects on maritime industries.

To meet the administration’s climate goals, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is “pursuing a holistic approach to curbing greenhouse gas emissions and building resilience to climate change and its impacts, including by conserving and restoring ocean and coastal ecosystems.”
In the works are plans for the expansion of national marine sanctuaries and protections for endangered species, such as the North Atlantic right whale. The administration has lent support to another broad goal of protecting 30% of U.S. waters by 2030 — the so-called “30-by-30” initiative. Continue reading here (Source: WorkBoat).

French Polynesia’s Call to the World to Fight Illegal Fishing
French Polynesia’s Minister of Culture and Marine Resources Heremoana Maamaatuaiahutapu has told UN’s Ocean conference in Portugal that action needs to be taken to combat illegal fishing in the Pacific.

The UN invited many government leaders, experts, organisations, civil societies and non-governmental organisations to talk about durable solutions to fight ocean degradation.
The minister met with the CEO of International Conservation of Nature Bruno Oberle to discuss a potential partnership to tackle illegal fishing in the EEZs.
Maamaatuaiahutapu told La Premiere news he was in favour of further protection of exclusive economic zones in French Polynesia but added that such protection needs to go further into the Pacific. Continue reading here (Source: Radio New Zealand).

FAD Closure in the Western Pacific Began on July 1
The FAD closure in the Western Pacific for 2022 will be from July 1-September 30 for 3 months. (July, August, September).

This includes continuation of provisions for a three-month prohibition on use of fish aggregating devices (FADs) by purse seiners in exclusive economic zones and high seas areas between 20°N and 20°S from July 1-September 30.
Three (3) months (July, August and September) prohibition of deploying, servicing or setting on FADs in EEZs and high seas of Convention Area between 20N to 20S. Continue reading here (Source: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission).