We started running the Aqua Leo together back in 2018. It was built in 2012 at Fred Whal Marine company in Reedsport Oregon. Valerie has fished on the boat with her dad Tom Faulk starting back in 2013. Valerie and I have been on the boat together since 2018. I’ve been fishing tuna, salmon and Crabs since 2000 and with AAFA one way or another from the beginning. We all have made the Aqua Leo a successful family operation fishing Salmon, Ground Fish, Crab and Albacore. Our daughter Ella has been apart of every fishery and puts in some time before the school year on the tuna grounds. Tom still crabs at the start and does Ground fish. I was telling Tom and Coco about the benefits of being a part of the albacore fishery so they decided to have some faith and put the refrigeration system and gear for the fishery on the boat back in 2019 and it has payed off well. Adding another fishery to the operation helped out a lot. I fell in love with albacore from my first trip with Tom Wraith after high school in 2000. We work as hard as we can while the season is there whether it’s salmon, tuna or crab. We are blessed to have the support all around us in every way. We are looking forward to the future and all that it brings.
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