Deadline Extended for Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Proposed Rule
NOAA Fisheries will extend the comment period for the proposed rule to modify North Atlantic right whale vessel speed regulations for an additional 30 days. This extension will allow for additional time to gather feedback about the impacts of the proposed rule. The comment period now closes on October 31.
NOAA Announces Funding to Continue 12 Ongoing Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Projects
The projects are supporting fisheries, threatened and endangered species, and coastal communities and ecosystems across the nation.
Science Blog: Joint Canada-U.S. Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey
An international team of researchers is surveying deep-sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts in the Northeast Pacific. Follow the scientific team studying deep-sea corals to learn what they discover and how this information is useful for fisheries management. This first post delves into the team’s preparations and the start of a long, rough trek 300 miles offshore.
Science Blog: A Voyage Through the Arctic
Follow Alaska Tribal Research Coordinator Mabel Baldwin-Schaffer and partners collecting valuable data and information to further promote awareness of Alaska resources. This is the third post of the A Voyage Through the Arctic blog series.
Pacific Islands
A Cautionary Tale: The 2019 Coral Bleaching Event in Hawaiʻi
Corals bleached less in 2019 than anticipated, but bleaching events are increasingly occurring in the Hawaiian Islands.
Science Blog: Being a NOAA Fisherman on the Bottom Longline Survey
Josh Cooper is a member of NOAA Ship Oregon II’s deck team. This team is a critical part of effectively collecting data for the bottom longline survey. This post is part of the ongoing 27th Year of the Southeast Bottom Longline Survey science blog series.
Faces of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center
The latest interviews in this series by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center feature research ecologist Adyan Rios, who works in the Caribbean Fisheries Branch of the Sustainable Fisheries Division, and assistant scientist Ana Vaz, who conducts red snapper research in the Gulf of Mexico.
New England/Mid-Atlantic
NOAA to Fund Environmental Literacy Efforts in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
NOAA is recommending $2.65 million for NOAA Chesapeake Bay-Watershed Education and Training projects that support student learning, teacher training, and more.
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Joins Marine Mammal Stranding Network
NOAA is excited to welcome the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) to the Greater Atlantic Regional Marine Mammal Stranding Network.
Our 2022 NOAA-Wide Education Program Students Share Insights
NOAA offers many student opportunities, and every year some of these students choose to work with mentors at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center.