Celebrating Habitat Month 2022: Healthy Habitat, Resilient Infrastructure
All month long, we will share NOAA Fisheries’ many habitat conservation efforts through our website and social media. The theme this year is “Healthy Habitat, Resilient Infrastructure.” Learn more about the role of healthy habitat in building coastal resilience.
Living Shorelines Provide Nature-Based Approach to Coastal Protection
Living shorelines are a nature-based, cost-effective technique for protecting our coasts from erosion and sea level rise. Explore our story map of more than 200 NOAA-supported living shoreline projects across the country.
Deadline Extended: Climate Science Regional Action Plans
NOAA Fisheries released seven draft 2022–2024 climate science regional action plans for public comment. These come in response to high and growing demands for information on what is changing, what is at risk, and how to respond to climate-related changes in U.S. marine and coastal ecosystems. Each plan identifies specific actions to better track changes, assess risks, provide early warnings, and evaluate best management strategies for changing conditions in each region. The comment deadline has been extended to July 29, 2022.
New Initiative to End Illegal Labor Practices in the Seafood Industry
NOAA Fisheries launched its new public-private initiative, the Collaborative Accelerator for Lawful Maritime Conditions in Seafood. This collaborative initiative will promote legal and safe working conditions, including combating forced labor, in the fishing and seafood industry.
Community Engagement Builds Sustainable Strategies for Pinto Abalone
NOAA and Alaska Sea Grant have created an Alaska abalone working group that brings together tribal, state, federal, and non-profit partners to collect information and discuss long-term strategies for the recovery and sustainability of pinto abalone.
Science Blog: A Preview of Exciting Findings from Leg 1 of Alaska Deep-Sea Coral Survey
NOAA Fisheries scientists’ review of challenges and accomplishments from Leg 1 of the coral survey. This is the sixth post of the Innovation to Learn About Deep-Sea Coral Communities in the Gulf of Alaska blog series.
West Coast
Restoring Habitat to Recover Coho Salmon on the Oregon Coast
Coho salmon populations on the Oregon Coast are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. There is not enough high-quality habitat available for rearing these vulnerable juvenile fish. Our interactive story map highlights how NOAA and partners are supporting the recovery of coho on the Oregon Coast through habitat restoration.
Pacific Islands
Mission Accomplished for RP92’s Rescue Rangers
Check out a photo gallery capturing how NOAA Fisheries and partners returned endangered Hawaiian monk seal RP92 to Kalaupapa, Molokaʻi, on July 8. The seal was released after life-saving intervention to remove an ingested fishing hook.
Increase in Observer Coverage of the South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fishery
NOAA Fisheries has determined that the snapper-grouper fishery would benefit from increased observer coverage. Increased coverage began July 1 and now includes vessels using all gear types. For more information, contact Scott Leach at scott.leach@noaa.gov.
New England/Mid-Atlantic
Unusual Mortality Event Declared for Seals in Maine
Since June 2022, elevated numbers of harbor seal and gray seal mortalities have occurred across the southern and central coast of Maine. This event has been declared an unusual mortality event.
2022 Northeast Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Cruise Completed
Our ecosystem monitoring cruises help researchers understand and predict changes in the Northeast shelf ecosystem and its fisheries. This year, NOAA Fisheries completed approximately 85 percent of planned station visits from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay through the Gulf of Maine, accomplishing a variety of monitoring, sampling, and outreach work.
More than $14 Million in Funding Recommended for Great Lakes Habitat Restoration
The funding will support 11 projects that will help strengthen Great Lakes fisheries, ecosystems, and communities. Much of the funding is provided through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
NOAA Fisheries Approves Framework Adjustment 9 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan
NOAA Fisheries has approved Framework Adjustment 9 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan. This action establishes a rebuilding plan for herring, adjusts accountability measure catch threshold triggers when a herring annual catch limit (ACL) or Management Area sub-ACL is exceeded, and revises and clarifies existing regulations. Effective August 18, 2022.