U.S. Leadership Key to Achieving Improved Monitoring and Control of Fishing in the South Pacific
Members of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization made a historic decision to adopt a U.S. proposal to establish comprehensive procedures on high seas boarding and inspection as well as climate change and other conservation priorities. There were 13 proposals adopted in total at the 11th annual meeting this month in Ecuador, where U.S. leadership played a big role.
2022 Fall Openscapes Champion Cohort Makes Inroads to Open Science
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center supported 39 researchers from seven divisions in their second Openscapes Champion program cohort. Openscapes is an open data science mentorship program for those who want to do better science, in less time, together. Learn more about how the program promotes open science through team building and collaboration.
Seeking Nominations for Alaska Salmon Research Task Force
NOAA Fisheries is seeking nominations to serve on an Alaska Salmon Research Task Force responsible for developing a coordinated salmon research strategy in Alaska. The task force will also conduct a review of Pacific salmon science relevant to understanding salmon returns in Alaska. It will identify scientific research gaps in understanding the Pacific salmon life cycle in Alaska. Deadline for nominations is March 10.
Fishermen and Scientists Partner to Fill Critical Data Needs for Bristol Bay Red King Crab
The Bering Sea crab industry is partnering with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to meet a critical need for winter data on Bristol Bay red king crab. Despite tempestuous weather and icy seas, crabbers are providing their vessels and expertise in this cooperative research effort to answer key questions for management.
West Coast Species on the Move as Climate Change Drives Ecological Shifts, Analysis Shows
All but the most resilient marine species off the West Coast are likely to be vulnerable to climate change, according to a new NOAA Fisheries assessment. This new vulnerability assessment will help inform fisheries management and species protections as the climate changes in the coming decades.
Pacific Islands
Famous Waikīkī Pup Gives Birth Outside of the Spotlight
On January 28, 2023, Hawaiian monk seal Kaimana gave birth to a pup in the main Hawaiian Islands. Peak pupping season usually begins in spring, so this early start is a welcome surprise. Read more about the first pup of the year, including the name specially gifted to the pup by North Shore students.
Deepwater Horizon 2022 Gulf of Mexico Deep Sea Cruise Season, By the Numbers
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill damaged deep-sea habitats over a large area in the Gulf of Mexico. These complex ecosystems include corals, fish, anemones, sponges, and sea cucumbers—but limited knowledge about these habitats creates challenges for their restoration. The data, samples, imagery, and sonar scans gathered by Deepwater Horizon restoration program scientific cruises will advance restoration in some of the Gulf’s most inaccessible yet crucial habitats.