The USCG has submitted its annual report to the PFMC – Read Full Report here
Per Mike Conroy, These are the items of interest:
“Two Canadian tuna trollers were boarded while fishing in the U.S. EEZ this year with no violations detected. All other Canadian vessels observed or queried were in compliance with applicable treaty provisions”
“The Coast Guard is particularly concerned with continued reporting from the U.S. and Canadian Albacore fleets of net marked fish and potential movement of the Chinese fleet toward the US EEZ. Any fishermen with specific reports of vessel names, dates, and/or locations of Chinese vessels operating in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean are encouraged to make a report to any of the PFMC Enforcement Consultants.” To this end – if you are fishing and see any vessels matching this description – please forward that information to myself and the AAFA office and we will ensure it is communicated.
Page 7 includes a discussion on High Seas Illegal, Unregulated, Unreported (IUU) Fishing.
- “CGC BERTHOLF patrolled for 51 days, covered 27,000 NMs and completed 27 boardings on foreign flagged vessels, finding 42 potential violations during NPG 2021. Canada provided aircraft, shipriders, and intelligence support for this year’s operation. Global Fishing Watch (GFW) contributed with intelligence support, including targeting and patrol planning analysis. NPG 2021’s improved information and intelligence sharing between the U.S., Canada, Japan, Korea, and GFW produced intelligence-driven targeting which resulted in this Operation’s highest ever number of violations per boarding, with over half of the violations detected being serious violations”